DaySchool Rules and Procedures


Read the rules below and sign that you understand and agree to them or receive a non-completion.

  1. Upon arrival cell phones and electronic devices will be required to be turned off and locked up with all personal property (backpack, purses, coats, etc.) except for the USD 501 chrome book and school related materials. No visits to personal property will be permitted during the day.
  2. If the student is late or absent for any reason from Day School, student will receive a non-completion for the day.
  3. The Day School supervisor will assign each student a specific seat while in this class. Any change in seating will be at the supervisor's discretion only.
  4. Students are to request permission to be out of their seats
  5. Students are not allowed to carry on conversations, as this time is to be used for academic work.
  6. Students are not allowed to sleep and may be asked to stand up if they cannot stay awake.
  7. Students are not allowed to leave the Day School room except for school emergencies
  8. Students will be expected to keep their hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
  9. Students will be expected to clean up after themselves
  10. Students will adhere to USD 501 dress code.
  11. Students will not deface school property. Please examine assigned area and note any existing damage and initial appropriate section. Such acts will be considered vandalism
  12. Students will not consume any food, snacks or candy other than breakfast and/or lunch while in Day School. Only sealed bottled drinks are allowed
  13. Students will not be allowed on any school campus or attend any school related event until his/her suspension is complete.
  14. The Day School supervisor will provide additional assignments to the students who have completed their academic requirements.
  15. Computer is for school use only. Surfing the web, playing games, listening to music, etc. is prohibited during Day School.


I have read or have had read to me the following rules and understand the possible outcomes if Day School rules are not followed


Student Signature



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